No One Cares What You Think. Go Data Driven Or Die!

Learning how to analyse your data can be a great competitive advantage for any small retailer. At AirPOS Pay we're great advocates of data driven decision-making and we want you to be too! AI is the way.

No One Cares What You Think. Go Data Driven Or Die!

Since we’re off to a fairly controversial start with that title, let’s double down. In this era, as a business owner, you have no real excuses for only having an opinion. Why? Quite simply because, if you want it, you will be able to access the necessary data in order to come to informed, logical conclusions about your business. And these same structured, logical conclusions are far more likely to turn into solid actions as people respond much better to reason than instruction. Welcome to the new world...

Artificial Intelligence is the game changer

Last year, statistics were much harder to come by than they are now. The rise of Large Language Models (commonly known as AIs) like Chat GPT and Google Gemini have seen a seismic shift both in a small business's ability to access crucial data but also to act on it, query it, break it down, and more. The data that used to be the sole preserve of Mintel and big companies charging big fees for access to reports is now out there for all to grab for $20 a month. What’s stopping you?

AI is the employee you could never afford to hire

No offence to people but they’re just inferior at dealing with data when compared to machines. Now, yes, you need to learn how to use these things, but the big difference between an AI and a search engine, for example, is that you can ‘talk’ to it, i.e., it understands when you ask questions. For example, let's say you have a mailing list and a list of purchases, one in Mailchimp and one in Shopify, and you want to know who from your Mailchimp list has bought items from you. Simply export both as spreadsheets or CSVs, give them both to Chat GPT or Gemini, and ask them to compare them and tell you who has bought what. You’ll have the answer in seconds. And it doesn't stop there. Ask it for a list of your top purchasers in a format that Mailchimp can use, and in seconds you’ll have a segmented list you can use to retarget your top buyers, send them a reward. You’ve literally saved hours or even days of work compared to more manual and technical methods.

But I’m just a small retailer

That may be true, but you’re competing with the big guys and online services, and you can bet your bottom dollar they’re using every means to make it as hard as possible, especially in data science. There’s no expectation for you to become a data scientist, but if you can win more business with the data that you already have, it makes sense to do so. For example, AirPOS Pay's suite of reports provides in-depth insights into every aspect of a retail operation. From overview reports offering a microscopic view of business performance to detailed breakdowns of tax codes, employee performance, and more, AirPOS Pay covers all the main bases. Using our reports, especially teamed with AI to analyze your other data from other sources, can give you a competitive edge. Before, you needed to integrate everything together to get an overview or insights into your data. Now, give it to the AI, the data scientist in your pocket.

PS spellchecked and fact-checked with Chat GPT, we practice what we preach around here!

Ask us about how you can use AI to integrate and analyze your data and how AirPOS Pay can help you unlock your business's data here.