A Fairer Way? The Hidden Cost of Buying Group Recommendations in Golf Pro Shops

How much is working with a buyers group really costing your golf pro shop compared to going it alone? We take a deep dive into the enhanced costs of point of sale, payments, online sale and more when working through buyers groups.

A Fairer Way? The Hidden Cost of Buying Group Recommendations in Golf Pro Shops

What Is A Buying Group?

A Buying Group or Buyer’s Group allows small, independent businesses to pool their buying power for better discounts, similar to those usually available only to large companies. There are multiple golf buying groups available that golf professionals and golf clubs across the UK such as TGI Golf, Foremost and The Golf Management Group.

The main appeal of these Buying Groups is due to the reduced purchasing costs. However, this model isn't without its challenges. While it sounds ideal for small businesses to save on costs through a Buying Group, there are potential drawbacks. At the end of the day, these Buyer’s Groups are businesses themselves and their primary goal is to increase their bottom line.

Buying Groups enter into agreements with suppliers in return for a mutually beneficial outcome. When it comes to point of sale and payments, there is usually little room for margins so the cost of service must increase in order for all parties to make money.

The Real Deal Behind Buyer's Group Recommendations

Golf professionals managing pro shops face a critical decision in choosing service providers, particularly for point of sale (POS) and payment solutions. Often, buyer's groups like TGI Golf and Foremost Golf recommend specific providers, but there's an often overlooked aspect to consider. These recommendations, while seemingly convenient and beneficial, might be more aligned with the buyer's group's financial interests rather than the golf pro's needs, potentially leading to higher fees and less optimal services for the pro shops.

The Fairway to Independence

In this scenario, AirPOS Pay emerges as an independent, golf pro-centric solution. It stands apart from the typical offerings pushed by buyer's groups, providing a transparent and straightforward service that prioritises the needs and financial health of golf pro shops.

Hidden Hazards

Service providers recommended by buyer's groups often come with complex fee structures, including hidden costs that benefit the group at the expense of the golf pro. These might manifest as higher transaction fees or additional charges that eat into the shop's profitability. While you may be putting in the long hours of hard work, building your business from the ground up, someone else is benefitting from you being overcharged.

Clear Fairways Ahead

In contrast, AirPOS Pay offers a simple and transparent fee model. Its single-rate transaction fee system eliminates the hidden costs and complexities. By removing monthly costs and contracts, AirPOS Pay provides a more financially sound option for pro shops, coming in at up to 37% more affordable than buyer group recommendations.

Bunkers of Bias

Buyer's groups, while offering collective benefits, may prioritise agreements that are more financially advantageous to them. This can lead to recommendations that aren't necessarily the best fit for individual pro shops, creating a conflict of interest.

AirPOS Pay's Independent Approach To Finding the Green

AirPOS Pay, being independent of buyer's groups, is free from such conflicts. It focuses solely on delivering value and efficiency to golf pros, ensuring that every feature and service is designed with the pro shop's success in mind. We’re so confident in the quality of the product that we don’t feel the need to tie you into long and drawn out contracts.

Choosing The Right Club For The Job

AirPOS Pay was built for the specific needs of retail, offering features like advanced inventory management, flexible customer accounts, and seamless integrations with e-commerce and bookkeeping platforms.

By choosing an independent solution like AirPOS Pay, golf pros gain access to more autonomous, tailored, and efficient management of golf retail environments, ensuring that the decisions made are purely in the interest of the golf pro's business and its customers. All without the influence of external groups' financial interests.

The 19th Hole: Making the Right Choice

While buyer's groups offer various benefits, their service provider recommendations can often overlook the best interests of golf pros. Solutions like AirPOS Pay present a viable alternative, prioritising transparency, affordability, and the specific needs of golf pro shops. As a golf professional, it's essential to critically assess these recommendations and consider independent options that align more closely with your shop's success and profitability.

If you're looking a provider that prioritises transparency, affordability, and the specific needs of a golf pro shop, why not try our free card payment audit to find out how much you can save with AirPOS Pay?